Straight Teeth in Less Time

Straight Teeth in Less Time

  • Bad Habits You Should Quit When You Have Braces Put On Your Teeth

    You might have some bad habits you do with your teeth and you may be lucky and get away with those habits without much in the way of consequences. However, things can change drastically once you have braces put on your teeth. Those habits you once got away with can become the reason your braces break or you experience other problems when wearing them. This article will explain which habits you should definitely quit once you have braces on.

  • Is Your Child A Mouth-Breather? Could This Be Bad?

    Is your child a mouth-breather? Mouth-breathing is a habit that can be difficult to break and a sign that there is something wrong with your child's nasal and respiratory systems. So, why does your child breathe through his or her mouth? How could this be bad and what could this be a symptom of? Below, you will find the answer to all three of these questions. Why does your child breathe through his or her mouth?

  • Subperiosteal Or Transosteal: Pros And Cons Of The Rarer Types Of Dental Implants

    Dental implants are a popular replacement for missing teeth due to the stability offered by a jawbone-implanted metal screw for the base. But traditional dental implants require a jawbone that is both strong and wide enough to properly hold the screw. If your jawbone lacks those attributes, you can sometimes undergo a bone graft to build the area back up, but that adds even more time to the lengthy implant process.

  • Invisalign Vs. Braces: Which Is Best For You?

    Long gone are the days where the only way to straighten your teeth was with braces. Now, there are multiple treatment options available, and Invisalign has become a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. But how do you which one is best for you? Consider the differences in the following key areas so you can make a decision on your own. Fitting & Application The biggest difference between both of these teeth straightening methods is the fitting and application.

  • Alzheimer's Disease And Dental Bacteria

    Alzheimer's is a nasty disease. It usually starts by slowly feeding on a person's memory. And as time goes by, it picks up the pace and soon without knowing it, the person finds it difficult to not only retain the best memories of his or her life, but also make simple judgment calls. No cure The sad bit about the Alzheimer's story is that while there are different medications that can help to manage symptoms of the disease, there is no cure—at least not yet.

2024© Straight Teeth in Less Time
About Me
Straight Teeth in Less Time

I had braces when I was a kid. Back then, you had to wear those metal wires and rubber bands for what seemed like forever. When I saw that my child’s teeth were going to be crooked like mine, I was dreading the years of braces and orthodontist appointments and limited diets that I saw stretching ahead of us. I was pleased to find out that braces today are very different from braces when I was a kid. They don’t need to be worn for nearly as long, and they aren’t as intrusive, either. My daughter got braces that can barely be seen, and she can remove them when she eats, so she doesn’t have to give up her favorite foods. I was so impressed that I started a blog to talk about modern day tooth straightening techniques. Braces have come a long way.
